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Messages - nushipwright

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Downtown 300 / Re: Treating rust...
« on: July 06, 2014, 08:56:00 AM »
thank you Zombie!
I will take a photo of the rear shocks so it's easier to show where I want to treat prevent rust.

General Discussion / Re: Kymco keychain
« on: July 06, 2014, 08:52:34 AM »
Thank you all for your kind words and Zombie for the explanation! People who haven't seen one being done from beginning to end simply cannot imagine all the work involved. 
Many of us got used to mass produced cheap Chinese stuff. This is nothing like it. I simply put this up here to show it off because I thought and still think it's absolutely amazing work. And if someone is interested I'm more than happy to direct you to my friend. I have no other motivation than just helping a friend. If you want to order one for yourselves I am more than happy to give you the email address of the person who milled mine in a PM, so you can contact him directly. I am no middle man in this story just a happy and proud keychain owner!

Downtown 300 / Re: Treating rust...
« on: July 02, 2014, 08:44:21 PM »
Another question:

What kind of lubricant/water displacer to use on shock absorbers to stop/prevent rust?
WD 40? PTFE? White Lithium grease? Slicone?

General Discussion / Re: Kymco keychain
« on: July 02, 2014, 07:37:42 PM »
Well, sad to say that will price me out of it. A bit to rich for me. They are extremely cool though.

Ride safe, mscmkr

I agree with you, the price is a bit high. But it wasn't mass produced somewhere in China. There is only one piece made for me.
With this you can have something unique, with the possibility to tailor it to your needs, eg. engraved with your own text/logo whatever.

General Discussion / Re: Kymco keychain
« on: July 02, 2014, 12:06:30 PM »
Yes, it can be purchased! Or better to say you can order one if you like.

I asked my friend who milled it for me if he would mill more for other people as well and he said yes. I also asked for the price and it isn't cheap. 30 Euros plus shipping. I had mine done cheaper since I have drawn/designed 95% of it, and since mine was the prototype.

Emailed my friend, the bare keychain without the engraving is 25 Euros I was told.

General Discussion / Re: Kymco keychain
« on: July 01, 2014, 04:57:53 PM »
getting close...


General Discussion / Re: Kymco keychain
« on: June 28, 2014, 08:54:23 PM »
I am going to ask my friend about that and get back to you.

General Discussion / Re: Kymco keychain
« on: June 28, 2014, 02:23:24 PM »
I was looking for a KYMCO keychain without much luck so took things in my own hand so to speak. :)
I drew up a keychain a few days ago based on photos/images of the KYMCO logo I found online, and a friend is going to mill it for me from 3mm thick brass. Brass can be polished to gold like shine, so I'm eagerly waiting for the end result! I even added some engravings with the DT300i on it, which will cost me extra since the tool change and the extra labour involved, but I don't mind. Hope you like the spoiler:

Downtown 300 / Re: Treating rust...
« on: June 27, 2014, 09:09:47 AM »
Thank you zombie for all the info. But before i order that vht paint i need to know how it should be applied and treated. If it needs oven treatment than it's out of question since i have no access to an autoclave. :) i can only treat it on the bike...
Can someone share what is the correct procedure? Maybe an instruction manual?

Downtown 300 / Re: Treating rust...
« on: June 26, 2014, 07:08:39 PM »
Thank you for the quick reply Zombie! Since i already bought the bbq paint, can i use it on the exhaust drum? That shouldn't get near 650°C.

Downtown 300 / Treating rust...
« on: June 26, 2014, 09:55:43 AM »
Hello to everyone!
My name is Norbert. I'm new to this forum and I have recently bought a dt300i.
The bike is 3 years old and already showing rust on the underside of the frame, both stands and the exhaust. Nothing very serious yet, but about time to do something about it. I want to restore\conserve the bike as much as possible.

First I want to do the exhaust. I bought some Hammerite rust remover gel. Didn't go for the Loctite one since that leaves a film after (to prevent rusting again) and I can't know if that film would take the heat. The Hammerite doesn't leave a film. I plan to remove the majority of the rust with a brass wire brush. Then apply the hammerite gel. I'm not sure when washing off the gel should i use soapy water to neutralise the acid? Then dry it and paint it over with bbq paint. Got one which is good up to 650 degrees C.

Ant thoughts? Is my approach good?
Thank you all who reply!

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