OAT / Diethylene Glycol has a higher boiling point and is also longer lasting than your usual green Ethylene Glycol coolant. Old G. is right on the silicates. Silicates is ok when new but you have to change it after a year or so otherwise they solidify into a white sandy substance that will clog and destroy your water pump/radiator. However, ethylene glycol based coolants (green) are best for very cold countries because it's freezing point is lower at -40 or lower degrees celsius versus diethylene glycol's -8 degrees celsius. Also, don't be fooled with the coolant colors. They use a lot of different colors nowadays. Glycols are colorless and they just use dye to color coolants for identification purposes. Color is also essential in detecting leaks. Read the label to make sure of the ingredients. I usually don't buy premix because you're paying for (50%) water. I buy pure/concentrated coolants and mix with distilled drinking water.