I'm concerned with the hook up ports because running the pump, is something I would prefer to do. Yes I could hack away, or remove parts and block others and have a perfectly running bike. But that kind of defeat the pupose of having the convenience and ease of a self mixing 2 stroke. More so then that and despite your claiming that the kit is not bike specific; the kit was labeled as such, the info pack in the kit says that it's specifically tuned for that particular bikes engine and requirements. This is why each version has a different part number. Now I imagine the carb is set to cover a couple similar bikes like the super 8, cobra, and top boy but set for those bikes (ball park). It's that specificity and R&D that Malossi use to develop parts for paricular scooters. This is why I pay large amounts of cash to Malossi, for my hobby and it's that brand reputation that I'm trusting and buy into. This kit while labeled specifically for the super 9 but, is fundementally not close, yet a cheap-ass $29 (shipped) knock off, had absolutely everything need to plug and play out of the box. It was ONLY the fact the I want all of my tuning parts to be malossi that I removed it and sold it. The point is it just bothers me is all. I will most likely do as you recommend and run pre mix and remove/block the pump. Thanks for your help and input and helping me to get my bike rinning.