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Messages - andsetinn

Pages: [1]
Super 8 / Super 8 4T 50cc Acceleration standard.
« on: June 01, 2013, 12:35:31 PM »
I'm going to install a Polini variator (POL-241.647) (bought at for 54 Euros including 2 day delivery in NL with Paypal charge) so I wanted to see what the acceleration is on my scooter as standard. It stands just under 1200 Km and I have not even opened the drivetrain box yet. My dealer "derestricted" the drivetrain before delivery by replacing the boss drive face. I also think he installed 82 jet but I have not opened the carburettor yet to see what's installed. The CDI is still restricted. The max speed is indicated 51 Kmh which my TomTom (GPS) claims to be 45, exactly as it is supposed to be restricted to. Anyway, my acceleration on a flat road with almost no wind is:
0-10 = 2,7
11-20 = 2,1 (4,8)
21-30 = 2,7 (7,5)
31-40 = 3,7 (11,2)
41-50 = 6,3 (17,5)

I'll update when I've installed and tested the new variator.

Super 8 150 / Re: New tires with pics
« on: May 29, 2013, 10:34:20 PM »
Please check the arrow on the front tire if it's rotating in the right direction. Usually (but not always) the pattern "points" to the front when seen from top. It makes it less likely to aquaplane in the wet.
Red on one side, blue on the other. You must like to hear people argue. :)

Super 8 150 / Re: scratches on paint
« on: May 29, 2013, 10:21:02 PM »
Depending on the scratch. Very fine scratches can be buffed out with regular white toothpaste.
If, like Vivo says, you can feel them with your fingernails, the scratch needs to be filled in. When my car was "keyed" few years ago I bought small can of paint in the right colour, filled up the scratch until it was higher than the original paint, then I scraped it even with a razor blade and finally buffed it out.
If you have deep scratches in unpainted plastic/steel, a sandpaper is your friend. Start with around 400 and end with 1000. For very deep scratches or cracks in plastic fill them up with material similar to this two part repair material. (This is professional product and devilishly expensive. Very likely not worth buying to repair just one body panel.)

Super 8 150 / Re: How to change the headlight bulb of Super 8?
« on: May 26, 2013, 06:37:05 PM »
The service-manual is here.

The part list is also nice to have.

These are for the 50 but most things are the same.

Super 8 150 / Re: Wont start after winter
« on: May 26, 2013, 05:37:50 PM »
I have the same issues every time my scooter stands for more than 3 weeks, but I never remove the battery. I suspect the carburettor drying out and the vacuum petcock not opening for fuel flow from the tank until the scooter is actually running. I spray start-spray into the air intake for few seconds and start, it "coughs" and then dies, I repeat few times and it starts to run.

These motors are simple, basically if they get spark and fuel they will run.

If you spray start-spray into the air intake for few seconds and start it should at least "cough". If it does, you have spark and the trouble is in the fuel system. If you suspect the fuel in any way replace it with fresh fuel (put the suspect fuel in your car, it will mix with the fuel in the tank and you'll never notice any difference there).

Your choke might be stuck "off". Try using poor mans choke by covering about 80-90% of the hole in the air intake and start with the throttle wide open (wot).

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