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Messages - Rianna

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Eye Candy | Videos and Pics / Re: Rianna's New Furniture! lol
« on: September 10, 2010, 01:11:18 AM »
Some of the pics have white spots or circles. I don't know why. But they aren't on the scooter. I checked. Could be something on the lens maybe. I'm no photographer.

Eye Candy | Videos and Pics / Rianna's New Furniture! lol
« on: September 10, 2010, 01:08:39 AM »
Here's a bunch of pics, if I can get them posted. It keeps saying there too big.

Agility 50 / Re: The numbers on the Carb, where are they?
« on: September 10, 2010, 12:58:00 AM »
Thank you for the formula. Must memorize it.

Would I be able to see dem numbers here?

Agility 50 / Re: Measuring success
« on: September 10, 2010, 12:52:19 AM »
Way to go! That's great! You'll be zooming in no time.

Agility 50 / Re: 2 cut or not 2 cut ?
« on: September 10, 2010, 12:48:08 AM »
Good luck! Let us know how it goes.

Agility 50 / Re: Somebody is Smiling :) :) :)
« on: September 10, 2010, 12:44:54 AM »
Thanks, art! I snagged that one. The fella up the street saw me coming back from the dentist today and gave me one I can use in the meantime. It doesn't have a size in it, but the one I bid on and won says Medium. That should tell me whether to go up or down in size when I go to get a new one. I'm happy as can be now. Been scootin' up and down the street all evenin'.  :D

Agility 50 / Re: Somebody is Smiling :) :) :)
« on: September 09, 2010, 03:33:26 PM »
Hey, I just noticed this helmet. Think it's any good? I don't see the DOT approved on the stickers, but I think it is. I wasn't actually looking for white, but they say beggars can't be choosers, right.

Agility 50 / Re: HAND MADE EXHAUST
« on: September 09, 2010, 02:53:46 PM »
Wow,l Conley, you modding already? lol. Good luck after work!

Agility 50 / The higher octane gas...right?
« on: September 09, 2010, 02:51:19 PM »
I had asked the dealer about putting the higher octane premium gas in and he said no, you can put the regular unleaded in this thing. Didn't sound, right to me. Sure enough the manual calls for higher octane when I looked. So now, I'm thinking it is probably regular that is already in the tank. If you tell me to use the 92 or 93 (whichever it is here) will I need to drain the tank completely, or like maybe bring me a little home and wait until it is almost empty then add some of the other? I don't like the idea of mixing different types of fluids at all. I just don't want to make a mess of things.

Agility 50 / Re: The numbers on the Carb, where are they?
« on: September 09, 2010, 02:38:17 PM »
Ahh...okay, thanks, sid. I can't see them so I may have remove some plastic or something to get a better view and see for sure then. I will take a flashlight and look all around pretty good before I do. Hoping to have some time after my dentist appointment today. I did see yesterday that it still has a Kymco exhaust and all, so I doubt it has had any modifications, just de-restriction. I also noticed those two little hoses that were kind of cut off. I'm guessing to vent the air/gas. I always hated looking at old cars and seeing things unplugged and such, but I guess it is as it should be because it seems to be running fine. If I don't have much time this evening I may have to wait for the weekend to really get into things. I did find me an old milk crate yesterday so maybe I can prop it up a bit on the patio (ground stays to soft, under a lot of shade trees here) to see the underneath side of things. I don't know what I'm expecting to find since it appears practically brand new. I realized last night that the 552 miles is actually probably kilometeres since everything else on the gauges is in km. I guess I'll have to learn that conversion anyway, and write down whatever it is you multiply or divide by, so I'll know when to service it.

Agility 50 / Re: Somebody is Smiling :) :) :)
« on: September 09, 2010, 02:19:27 PM »
Chris Brown? You mean the athlete or the singer? I think I missed something. lol

Eye Candy | Videos and Pics / Re: what color should I paint scoot
« on: September 09, 2010, 02:12:32 PM »
Army green is good. I don't think I've ever seen one in army green, then again, I don't see many scooters at all around where I am. Just a few here and there. If there aren't many that color where you are folks will start to recognize you by your scooter. Like when PT Cruiser cars first came out, it took about a year or so before they started popping up here, but not many people have them. And I know who drives the yellow one and who drives the maroon one because they aren't common here in town. I suppose that could be good or bad, if you want to stand out or blend in. I always thought I would hate that bright kawasaki green until I saw a Super 8 in that color up close at the dealer the other day and I thought, well, that's not half bad. Mine came in blue because that is what I could find and afford, but if I could paint it any color I wanted, I would probably either go to Google Images and type in the brand name and look at each color that popped up then open a picture of one in a photo editing program and play with the hue and saturation and such and see which color really caught my eye. Army green looks pretty good, I don't think I would go much darker green than that, though.

Agility 50 / The numbers on the Carb, where are they?
« on: September 09, 2010, 04:52:50 AM »
Where are those numbers on the carburetor hiding at? It's bugging me. I can't see them. Wordslinger told me to check the numbers and I can't see them. In the met-in box the little cap or cover is missing so I can actually see the little cover where I expected the numbers to be, but they aren't there. Should I take the two little screws off to find them? My luck a spring will pop out and roll away or something so I thought I'd ask if anyone knows off hand where they are located.

Agility 50 / Re: Somebody is Smiling :) :) :)
« on: September 09, 2010, 04:47:34 AM »
Thank you. That superstore had some nice ones. I think I will check eBay, too. I doubt I can wait three weeks 'til payday rolls around again to buy an expensive one. I guess if I have to wait I will, but damn, ain't it a shame to finally have some wheels and not be able to use them?!! When I was looking for some tools (which always seem to hide when I want them) I found a few cases of this abro grey 999 gasket maker stuff for imported car engines. It was leftover from my flea market days. I think it's like $9 a tube or something. Most folks that bought it would buy a case of 12. So I put them up on Craigslist for 3 bucks each or $25 for a case of 12. I don't really know much about it but maybe one of the folks that restore old cars will decide they could use some. Who knows. Would cover the cost of a half decent helmet if someone wanted all four. I reckon I could sell my Pink Lazy-Boy Recliner for a few bucks. hahaha

LOL @ blue about the pics of my new furniture. I guess I just thought everybody here had already seen one and knew what they looked like. I will try to post a pic or two tomorrow. I'm gonna have to take them outside. I parked it in the kitchen tonight and there's not much room to walk around. I just couldn't get all of it in the picture.

Agility 50 / Re: Transporting the Agility 50
« on: September 09, 2010, 04:24:26 AM »
Will do. Not much to post so far. A fella up the street got a peace scooter not too long ago. So I walked up there and knocked on his door and asked him about where he found a helmet at around here. He came outside and talked to me for a good while, giving me tips and telling me about registering it at the police station and all. He let me borrow his helmet for a few minutes so I did at least get to ride it about a block down the street and back up the street.  ;D

Before that my neighbor's son a few doors away was pulling up to visit his mother and he saw me trying to push that big thing up the hill and through the yards and really soft ground to get it to the road. He rolled his window down and yelled down to me, "Did you get a scoot?" So I yelled back up and said, "Yeah, that means you're gonna teach me how to ride it now, right?" He laughed and parked his car then came over and got it to the road for me. lol. He said it seemed a little heavier than his. I think his is a chinese scooter, too.

I live waaaaay down in the bottom and I have to go through two neighbor's yards to get it to the road because the only other way is  up two flights up steps. lol. There's a small rock wall between my place and the next yard and I had to make a little ramp to get it over there. (Yes I tried to go around it, but the ground is soft and slanted on a hill where that little wall ends so I lost my footing and fell. I managed to keep the scooter from falling all the way down to the ground, though. I just got a little dirty and my heart raced a little faster. Whew!)

So then he tried to convince me to take it up the hill to the college because everybody on the street knows that parking lot will be the best place get my bearings and get a feel for things. When college is out for a break kids will ride their bikes there. I used to with my son. But I just kept looking up that loooong steep hill, sid, and shaking my head. We have three roads out of here to the road the college is on and they are ALL hills. We decided which was the smallest one. He offered to ride it up for me if I drove his car, but I said UH-UH, no way, because I know you will get it up there and take off to make me learn how to get it back down the steep hill myself. Then everybody will see Rianna sleeping on the sidewalk by the college tonight.  :D

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