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Messages - scooterfan

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If a battery gets that flat it needs a quite powerful charger to restore the Voltage level again. Most cheaper chargers (in the country I came from) were not capable of rising Voltage from such low levels again.
If a battery’s Voltage level goes that low only a few times, it usually destroys the battery’s lifespan permanently.

General Discussion / Re: Had to say Goodbye to my Agility 125.
« on: July 15, 2021, 12:23:46 AM »
Thanks Viper254, big blue, Neil955i,

Yes South Africa is in total shambles at the moment and the vide clips that I’m getting is absolutely shocking. Thank God I left just in time. Some towns have been destroyed completely, shops have been looted and destroyed, and several people I know are running out of food and medication.
I have no idea how South Africa will be able to recover from this. Ordinary citizens started standing together to protect themselves in many areas. The South African police and Defence force are not able to control the situation properly in all areas.
Facebook is currently blocking many videos regarding this destruction, and even the South African news media does not cover everything that’s going on.

Again, I am very thankful to be here.  I am more than convinced that our lives can only turn out for the better.

General Discussion / Re: Had to say Goodbye to my Agility 125.
« on: July 12, 2021, 02:43:31 AM »
Thanks to everyone for the welcomes and kind words - I really appreciate.
I actually passed a couple of comments a bit earlier but it seem to have disappeared.

Crossbolt I will try to explain later again.

Iahawk I am really happy to find myself here. All people are very friendly and helpful. Hopefully we will be able to cope with the cold winters - otherwise I can't think about any reason why we will move elsewhere again.

Again, thanks for the welcomes.

General Discussion / Had to say Goodbye to my Agility 125.
« on: July 11, 2021, 11:45:58 AM »
So  I had to say goodbye to my Agility. It was kind of sad, but I gave it a proper service and handed it over as a gift to my 14 year old granddaughter in South Africa. She obviously does not have a licence yet but she loves handlebars and my son in law will find a way to take her for a ride somewhere.

We have moved to the US permanently and I currently find myself in Bondurant, IA. Simply love our new country. I hope to make a positive contribution in general, still work for a number of years, and pay taxes like a resposible citizen

I still need to get my Social Security number to buy cars for my wife and myself, as well as another scooter . I also need  to get the SS number to buy any means of transport, get US drivers licences, as well to get car and scooter insurance. Without insurace I will obviously not be able to drive or ride anything.

We are living close to our son in Bondurant and he is also a keen  motorcyclist. We are hoping to join rides and I decided to get myself a maxi scooter towards winter when prices might be lower.
I will probably go for a Honda Silverwing 400, Suzuki Burgman 400, Yamaha Majesty 400, or even a Honda Silverwing 600.

For the time beig I just need to focus on  settling properly, and try to cope without handlebars.

General Discussion / Re: observation about our forum
« on: July 03, 2021, 05:27:04 AM »
I use both platforms for different purposes. Before I buy any bike or scooter I join different Facebook groups because members at Facebook tend to post more photos.
When I really like a spisific brand or model, I then start looking at forums for possible common  technical problems appliccable to the specific model I am interested in.
I only join a forum once I buy a specific motorcycle or scooter - and only focus on reading posts about technical issues appliccable to the model I bought, as well as technical issues  on different models.

I could be wrong but I got the impression that quality technical advice  can mainly  be found at forums - maybe because  people with real knowledge and experience are usually from the older generation who prefer not to hang around on Facebook.

General Discussion / Re: New mowers ' never change oil, just top up?!
« on: June 14, 2021, 04:23:17 PM »
Never a good idea - specially when mineral oils get used in an engine. Mineral oil start breaking down at 80 deg Celcius, so I think specially during hot summers mineral oils can cause “more than usual” engine wear.
Condensation during cooler or wet condition can also cause moist to build up in the oil. (Engine gets hot when running , air expands, and when the engine gets shut off moist gets sucked into the engine and ends up in the oil).
So whatever manufacturers have to say - I think it always makes sence to change oil quite regularly.

General Discussion / Re: NSR: military pay in the 60's
« on: June 13, 2021, 05:03:05 PM »
Well I was involved in the South African / Namibian / Angola “Bush War” during the 70’s and 80’s.
Not because I wanted to be involved - simply because military service was compulsory in our country and we were fighting communism.
I’ve never been “miltary oriertated”  - but I have no regrets in getting involved during those years.
We simply had to do what was needed to do during that time.

P.S. The military pay was an absolute bonus - compensating for being away from home when our children were small.

General Discussion / Re: Ethanol fuel and modern scooters & bikes
« on: June 10, 2021, 03:53:04 PM »

…….My preference is non-ethanol for technical and political reasons. ……..

Interesting thread and interesting comments.
As an ex farmer many moons ago I have lots of simpathy with farmers in general.  Right or wrong, I think the ethanol issue goes much deeper than political reasons - it’s also about creating many jobs in the farming supplying chain, creating jobs in the processing grain, and earning much needed taxes for any given State or country.
In short - I think the ethanol industry surely have negative consequinces, but the positive results on the economy should never be under-estimated.

I have no experience with your Agility model, or any scooter with AC CDI’s - but if your scoot has a DC CDI, I am almost prepared to bet my front teeth that the CDI on your Agility is faulty.

My Agility (different model, with DC CDI) is currently on it’s 3rd CDI at almost 30 000kms. During the previous CDI failures on my Agility, the symtoms have been exactly like the symtoms on your scooter.

Agility 50 / Re: Agility 125 - New and Won't Start
« on: May 25, 2021, 05:52:16 PM »
Thing is, this scooter might be "new" but one never knows how long it was just standing before you bought it, and how many times the shop battled to start the engine.
So I guess anything is possible.

Agility 50 / Re: Agility 125 - New and Won't Start
« on: May 25, 2021, 03:31:28 AM »

...............Using the electric ignition, it sounds like it will but then shuts down after a second or two. Plus, I can't get the kickstart to work.

If I understand you correctly, you mean it sounds like the engine turns when you use the electric inition - but the engine only turns for a second or two. If so, for a start I think you need to:

1. Make sure the battery is fully charged - even while the scooter is “new”.
2. Make sure the battery terminals are properly connected.

I think the fact that the kickstart also does not get the engine going is an indication that the problem could be battery related. The reason being - the scooter has a DC CDI and without proper power (Volts) the engine will never start.

I think you may have purchased an AC CDI. Kymco runs on DC.

Yep, the bigger -(black) CDI is a DC CDI  -  but to my inderstanding not all Kymcos runs on DC CDI’s.
I stand to be corrected.


Was your broken wire inside the loom or right next to where the main fuse connects?

The weak link was right at the end of the wire loom where it connects to the brass fuse connection.

I actually printed a small fuse holder for spade fuses with a 3D printer, and installed spade fuses on my scooter. The original brass fuse connectors have been removed completely and brass lugs have been installed to mount the spade fuses.

Compared to the original fuse holders the 3d printed fuse holder takes less space as well.

How did you test the power at the main fuse ?

With the Ignition Switch in “On” position, you need to connect the Negative (-) wire on your Multimeter to the Negative (-) terminal of the battery itself.
Then you need to connect the Positive (+) wire on your Multimeter to the one side of the brass fuse terminal to the fuse first, and see if you get a Voltage reading.
If you don’t get a reading - connect the positive (+) wire of the Multimeter to the brass fuse terminal on the other side of the fuse to see if you get a Voltage reading.

Don’t try to get a Voltage reading on the fuse itself - a bad or corroded connection between the fuse  and the fuse terminals itself can easily cause some confusion.

If you don’t get a Voltage reading at the brass fuse connections at all - there is a possibility that the wire connections to the brass fuse terminals are corroded or broken.

In my scooter’s case I exerienced a similar problem - the connection between one fuse terminal and the fuse wire was corroded. When I started fiddling with the wire on that side of the fuse the starter on the scooter suddenly started working again.

To my understanding the new 16mm bolt / plug is actually just holding to 4mm undamaged thread.
Sorry about being negative - but I think torquing that nut to normal specs (10Nm) is like playing with a lion's left testicle.
The Dowty washer obviously has nothing to do  holding the plug firmly - it only helps to prevent an oil leak. Whatever you do in future - I think you need to stay away from torquing that that to 10Nm - I think that 4mm thread will never last with such high torque.

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