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Messages - Snoopzilla

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General Discussion / Re: Vinyl wrapping
« on: August 16, 2019, 12:01:45 AM »
I worked in a car wrapping shop as head strip fitter for a little while and had a few practice goes at wrapping parts on a quiet day when there was left over material. Really not as easy as it looks, also depends on material. I imagine you had a struggle with some of the curves on that bike  ;D I used to do a lovely job on some parts and then the last corner I'd get a crease I couldn't budge lol. Some of these wrap guys have real talent and technique. Looks like a good job on your scooter though!

Yeah it’s those damn curves.  It does look good from a distance but I have to rip it off and start over.  I was using the knifeless tape to get my edges and I screwed up by not securing the vinyl enough on the opposite side of the tape.  Oh well.  I am getting the hang of it but won’t be attempting curves anytime soon

General Discussion / Vinyl wrapping
« on: August 10, 2019, 08:54:04 PM »

Well trying to add a little styling pizazz.  Vinyl wrap (3m 1080).   Not as easy as it looks.  I probably would have skipped it had I known.  Plan was to do the whole scooter in Orange (figured it looks cool, and orange is a safer color)

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LIKE 200i / Re: Like 200i Removing Decals and Lettering
« on: August 10, 2019, 07:21:58 PM »
The silver lettering just peels off.  Then you need to use alcohol or goo gone or something to get rid of the residue.  I just kept wiggling mine around it it started to break free and peeled it off

Good stuff, those two.
Most N.Americans would be hard pressed to find those oils locally.


Yeah I get that.  Luckily my dealer here in Minneapolis carries them, so that’s the only reason I use them. 

Used Motul during break in and now I use Eni I-ride synthetic

General Discussion / Re: Is the Like150i suffering new model blues?
« on: June 16, 2019, 06:31:41 PM »
Oh for sure. Honeymoon phase is over.  My whole leaking fuel pump issue really irked me.  Finally got it fixed yesterday and only because I had to keep hounding.  I actually rode up there to demand they give me the pump and I’ll do it myself.  The mechanic felt so bad for them dropping the ball he squeezed me in on a busy Saturday (they were swamped). I agree with others about the front suspension.  It’s way too soft, I feel every little bump and I find myself braking way more then I want/would need to on corners (and no I am not talking about taking them hard)   Overall I think it’s still a decent scooter, but the half assed support you get from Kymco is enough to turn me off.  If a dummy light pops up, I am sure my dealer doesn’t even have the proper diagnostic cable, so who knows how long it would take to get that, then if I needed a part, another wait to get it and there goes most of the riding season here in Minnesota, I know a few others are having ABS sensor issues.  I was hoping to ride this one into the ground.  Which may happen,  but I am already planning my upgrade. 

General Discussion / Re: How many use YouTube to figure stuff out?
« on: June 16, 2019, 03:54:38 AM »
I always say I have a degree from YouTube university. Pretty rare
That I can’t find and informational or tutorial video on something on there.

General Discussion / Re: Beware: Kymco Parts Monster
« on: June 05, 2019, 01:25:41 AM »
Wow!! I to just been ripped off!  Months ago I ordered rollers for my downtown and they sent me only 6 when there should have been 8 in the package.  Just was at the garage and come to find out they don't fit my scooter at all!! I knew something was wrong with these people cause when I ordered them it took them forever to find out why I got the wrong part and they ignored me for the longest time and I just came home to go on the site to call them and tell them I want to return the rollers and want my  70 bucks back!  Most of this was shipping!

Aren’t they closed down now?

Update:  Got a call from the dealer today Kymco is shipping my recall pump.  Kymco also messaged me to tell me the same.  So I guess if you ever need anything from Kymco, messaging them on Facebook seems to be the way to go of all places

Wow, yeah, time to park that scooter and away frrom your house!
Couldn't picture a leak from wire plugs......but now I see what they are talking about - those 2 blue collars around those wires.
Yeah, that's not a DIY fix.
Sorry for your troubles with this nice scooter.
I'd still give KymcoUSA  a call to find out the ETA of replacement pumps.
Dang shame....can understand that overfilling might have unsealed those plugs....but now any level will try to work it self out.
Not good! I'd email that wet photo to Kymco.
Thanks for sharing the pix!

So I will say, whomever Kymco USA has running their Facebook account has been pretty responsive.  Unfortunately my dealer isn’t open today so they will contact
Them tomorrow and said they would keep me in the loop

Wow, yeah, time to park that scooter and away frrom your house!
Couldn't picture a leak from wire plugs......but now I see what they are talking about - those 2 blue collars around those wires.
Yeah, that's not a DIY fix.
Sorry for your troubles with this nice scooter.
I'd still give KymcoUSA  a call to find out the ETA of replacement pumps.
Dang shame....can understand that overfilling might have unsealed those plugs....but now any level will try to work it self out.
Not good! I'd email that wet photo to Kymco.
Thanks for sharing the pix!

I just emailed the Kymco rep that handles our region, think her name is Kathy Burgess.  I asked her why I have seen accounts of people on reddit that bought their like 150 way after I did that already have the fix done, when I was one of the first to purchase one.  I also included the pics to hopefully escalate it

General Discussion / Kymco better hurry up with my recall part.
« on: June 01, 2019, 01:29:20 AM »
Recall reads:
These units have a high-pressure electric fuel pump that may leak fuel through the rubber plug around the electrical wiring inside the fuel pump when the fuel tank is overfilled.  When overfilled, the high pressure in the tank may result in leaking fuel and potential fire hazard.

If you remove the underseat bucket are you able to look at the area they are referring to?
On the first gen. LIKE their recall has to do with the fuel line hose clamps leaking....But on the 2nd gen. LIKE it seems to be something else?
"leak fuel through the rubber plug around the electrical wiring inside the fuel pump"...…..anyone have a diagram of that area?

Short term fix of not filling the tank - does that stop the leak?
What is the part which will fix this?

Phone (888) 622-0781 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET Monday through Friday. Me, I'd give them a call. Light a little fire, somewhere.

Here’s the access hatch (sorry only 2 philips screws).  And here’s the top of the pump, as you can see soaked with fuel on the top.  Yes the recall is for a whole new pump to be installed (must have a new revision)

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Recall reads:
These units have a high-pressure electric fuel pump that may leak fuel through the rubber plug around the electrical wiring inside the fuel pump when the fuel tank is overfilled.  When overfilled, the high pressure in the tank may result in leaking fuel and potential fire hazard.

If you remove the underseat bucket are you able to look at the area they are referring to?
On the first gen. LIKE their recall has to do with the fuel line hose clamps leaking....But on the 2nd gen. LIKE it seems to be something else?
"leak fuel through the rubber plug around the electrical wiring inside the fuel pump"...…..anyone have a diagram of that area?

Short term fix of not filling the tank - does that stop the leak?
What is the part which will fix this?

Phone (888) 622-0781 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET Monday through Friday. Me, I'd give them a call. Light a little fire, somewhere.

There’s actually an access panel on the floor board, 4 screws on the corners and you pull it up (since the fuel tank is under the floor board on these.  Yeah I’ve only been filling half way and haven’t come close to even a full tank since finding out about the recall.  I will pull up the access door and take a couple pics

General Discussion / Kymco better hurry up with my recall part.
« on: May 31, 2019, 11:57:42 PM »

Been smelling gas last few times I’ve taken the Like out. But haven’t seen any leaks.  Well today I see a nice small puddle under my scoot.  Talked to dealer the other day to ask if they got it (was told couple months ago they will auto ship it). Turns out they’ve got a new service manager now who says they need to order and submit a warranty claim (not sure which is which, I did like their old service manager a lot he was very knowledgeable ).   Dealer lady who’s in charge of parts has said it’s been a nightmare and a half getting parts from Kymco the last 6 months.  If she does get a part it’s the wrong one and she has to send it back and wait again for the correct one (Kymco hasn’t been charging them for shipping) I’ve been wondering why it seems like I constantly need to add gas lately (I’ve been keeping it around half full since Kymco said it may leak when full). Well there goes that logic.

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I'm confused.  How did ABS save you while you were sliding in a curve?

So in the middle of sliding in a curb, I panicked.  And without thinking, in my adrenaline fueled panic I just squeezed my brake levers and held on for dear life.  on my old scooter that would’ve caused me to skid, and skid out of control.  On this scooter my tire never locked up from the antilock brakes.  I don’t know how else to explain it.  I think the only reason I can really tell is from my last accident, everything was exactly the same.  I mean I even stupidly put my feet out, even though from my last accident I swore I never would do that again.  It’s some primal instinct that just takes over instead of keeping my feet planted on my floorboard, I put them out in hopes of catching my balance (Probably from back learning how to ride bicycle when I was a kid). So instead of the scooter hitting black top and skidding with my feet on the floor board (hopefully still anyways) with my feet down the scooter lands on my foot and goes sliding ok blacktop, which happened on my last accident.  It still is boggling my mind.  Both of my instincts to just slam on the brakes and put my feet down need to be burned out of my subconscious.  But at least I had Abs to defeat my own stupid instincts

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