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Topics - ron4mac

Pages: [1]
LIKE 200i / Gas leak from new Like
« on: August 28, 2014, 03:28:18 AM »
I just bought a new 2013 Like200i (.7 miles on the odo).  I rode it home from the dealer (~25 mi), and later went out with my car and got a 5 gallon can of ethanol-free 91 octane gas.  Filled the tank on the Like from the can.  Was a clean job and not a drop spilled (new can designs help keep that from happening).  A half hour later, I went out to do a better job of attaching the license plate than what the dealer had done, and I noticed gasoline dripping from the engine area.  I popped up the seat to look at the filler area and it was clean but I decided to open it up.  There was some pressure but nothing I would consider excessive.  It had been sitting in the sun after filling it with cool gasoline.  I took it for a ride and it was okay and haven't noticed any leak since (a day and 1/2).

I'm a big newbie to to this .. is that leak something that will happen with a full tank as it sits in the sun?

Thanks for any wisdom you can share.

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