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Topics - An Orange Crush

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General Discussion / One step closer to a `23 AK550 from the factory
« on: March 18, 2024, 08:19:46 PM »
Hello friends, its been a while since I`ve posted. I have owned and happily operated a 2011 DT300 since 2012 and as of 24,000 miles there have been zero issues outside of one "I didnt torque the spark plug tight enough" incident but the Orange Crusher still got me home!
I`ve become a Kymco believer and fan and when I saw that they had a larger cruiser a few years back I inquired about it at my dealership where I got my DT300 and there were some issues, as in they dont stock them and theres a large fee to bring one over at that time, etc I think there were still Covid issues.
Fast forward to today and I have a couple money dumps coming at me and the second thing on my mind outside of some hunting property up north in Michigan is getting an AK550 underneath me.
This time my dealership responded positively and they can get me one from the factory in the color I want (Silver) I just need to put down some $$$, which is no problem.
The reason I want an AK550 is that its a more luxurious touring Scooter.
Looks like the AK is something with a good suspension and made for longer rides in comfort and because Kymco has done me so good with the DT300 theres no reason to look at other brands.
It only makes sense to move up a notch with the brand that has been so awesome to me since 2012 and thats Kymco.
My questions are - should I shoot for a 2023 or a 2024?
Anything I should know from those of you who are owners of the AK550? I dont expect everything to be perfect but if the AK is shaping up to be like the old Xiting 500 then I`d like to know.

Downtown 300 / Leesons has been great for OEM parts
« on: July 20, 2022, 09:07:23 PM »
I have a 2011 DT300 and in the last couple of months I`ve bought a new OEM windshield, air filter, front axle with bushings an even managed to get the squeeze bolt for the front fork since my old one was getting oxidized and ugly looking.
So far it seems like Leesons has many of the OEM parts we need including the oddball parts like that front fork bolt.
While shopping online there I sometimes put other parts in my cart just to see if they`re available including the TPS and ECU an they go through.
Give them a shot of you`re having problems with those hard to find parts, and be ready for the shipping to be a bit slow but steady which is better than never!

Downtown 300 / Might be trading up to AK550
« on: May 07, 2022, 12:25:16 AM »
Pretty excited to find out my Kymco dealer now has the AK550 on their website available for ordering, I might just take my trusty 300i for one final ride down there and ride back home with one!  8)

Downtown 300 / Time to rethink bigger Scooters for speed
« on: August 09, 2019, 08:23:51 PM »
On my break time at work I happened to look up the 0-60mph and quarter mile times of various larger bore scooters such as the TMax 500 and 530, Majesty , Silver Wing 600, Burgman 400 and even the Xciting 500. (zero to sixty times . com)
I looked them up because at 17,000 miles my DT300 feels like its just now coming alive speed wise, and so I was looking to see what else is available in Scooter world that would be quicker and with more snap up to 60mph.

In case anyone is interested in knowing you can look it up yourselves but the numbers I found show the DT300i is not just quicker, but quite a bit quicker in this area than all the above which kind of surprised me.
In fact you`d have to go with a Burgman 650 in order to make competition: the DT300i averages 8.7 seconds 0-60mph and the big Burgman shows a 8.3 seconds.
And with a few easy and inexpensive mods the DT300 will become even much quicker.

For example I put sliders and a Malossi belt on mine it came alive, I mean it really came alive.
A stock DT300 clocks @ 8.7 0-60mph.  I bet mine is closer to 7.5 seconds with those simple mods.

Downtown 300 / Slight vibration at speeds above 60mph SOLVED
« on: August 09, 2019, 12:42:43 AM »
2011 DT300i 17000 miles
Smooth acceleration up to speed then when I back off the throttle and settle in at speeds above 60 (indicated) I feel a vibration coming from beneath me.
The belt (OEM) has less than 200 miles on it (vibration was noticed before belt change) tires both less than 2000 miles and have good tread. I use Dynabeads in both tires and have been running 14 gram DR Pulleys without issue but I did notice some dark markings on some of them like from a Sharpie marker when I changed the belt, however they each weighed in right at 14 grams so I put them back in.
I cleaned everything up good before re-assembly but there again, the vibration was there before I changed the belt.
The new belt puts me to 5400-5500rpms @60mph and around 6400rpms @ 70mph whereas the old belt ran at higher rpms plus there was that vibration. I thought a belt change would lower the rpms which it did and hoped it would smooth the ride out at higher speeds but it didnt.
I`m going to order a new set of sliders since they have those marks on them but always open to any other ideas.

Downtown 300 / rear wheel drag
« on: August 26, 2015, 10:36:22 PM »
Just wondering if anyone knows, when I put the DT300 on the center stand and grab the rear wheel and give it a spin, there is quite a bit of resistance/drag there.
Not sure if its from the brake pads making some contact or just the CVT but it takes quite a bit of force to spin it and when I let go it spins maybe a 1/4 turn then stops.

Downtown 300 / Clutch spring compressor
« on: August 15, 2015, 04:42:47 PM »
I want to take my clutch apart and clean/lube it, does anyone use a spring compressor on it? The service manual shows one but I cant seem to find it anywheres, one supplier said the dont make them anymore.

Downtown 300 / Using 85w-140w vs SAE 90
« on: August 11, 2015, 03:00:43 PM »
Hi I have a jug of SAE 80w-140w gear oil lying around and want to know if anyone knows if thats alright to use in my final drive in place of the SAE90?

Downtown 300 / new battery recommendations
« on: March 26, 2015, 10:48:43 PM »
Time for a new battery, I have a 2011 DT300 any recommendations as far as aftermarket or anything?
If theres a newer high tech one I want it.

Downtown 300 / getting a new belt, should I get new rollers/sliders too?
« on: September 07, 2014, 04:15:48 PM »
Ordered a new belt for my `11 DT300i today seeings my old one is done, wondering if I should go ahead and replace rollers while I`m at it.
I have almost 8000 miles on it and I ride at highway speeds 90% of the time due to my work commute.
I know some have switched to sliders, is there any reason I should consider sliders for my riding conditions?

Downtown 300 / fuel filter?
« on: August 10, 2014, 08:09:41 PM »
Isnt there a fuel filter on my DT300i?  It might be staring me right in the face but I`m looking and I dont see one. Also doe anyone know what this tube is thats hanging down behind the airbox? It has a plug on the end, and I`m tempted to pull that plug and see what happens.

Downtown 300 / Warm starting issue
« on: August 08, 2014, 10:00:09 PM »
My 2012 DT300i starts fine when its cold, but when I park it at work or anywheres that it will be sitting out in the sun it for a few hours it takes quite a feat to get it started.
I`ve tried the key off/throttle wide open/engine start on/ key on wait 8 seconds throttle off key off and after 4-5 tries I can finally get it started only after playing the throttle like a fiddle.
I`ve put in a new air filter but dont we have a fuel filter on these things we can change out too?

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