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Topics - grantourismo

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General Discussion / SICK CARBURATOR
« on: April 15, 2011, 06:19:02 AM »
what happened to a carbi when it gets sick  :o

General Discussion / [FUEL] E10 Ethanol mixed petrol
« on: January 12, 2011, 08:29:48 AM »
greeting from GT ;D

Just wonder has any one tried to add E10 91 octane to their kymco ? what is the result like ?

share your opinions  ;D

General Discussion / Now I get a bit of faith back in my Quannon
« on: January 10, 2011, 02:00:16 AM »
Greeting it is GT
As you guys all know I got a trouble some Quannon which made me really mad at the dealer. Also made me lose trust in Kymco
This morning I take my bike to do a 300 KM service at a mechanic shop beside my house.
The service cost me 128 Australian dollar about 120 US dollar.
The mechanic tighten/lube the chain , change engine oil , re adjust carby (eliminate stall at cold problem), lube on gear shift pedal
I went to pick it up around lunch time  :D took it out for a ride the bike is way more smooth than I first got it from the dealer, changing gear was easier than before!  ;D  which make me a happy man!

I call the mechanic after I took the bike home just to say thanks you have done a great job !!

General Discussion / [animal abuse ?] SCOOTDAWG
« on: December 20, 2010, 11:55:31 AM »

HELMET keep police away ;D


I have noticed a lot of bike and scooters, when the owner park them on the street all they do is side stand and steering lock, this makes me wonder if someone is gonna steal it wouldn't it be so easy?
When I park mine on the road side I would use steering lock and disc lock as minimum, if a post is around then I will lock the wheel up
with a small chain lock so that adds up to three lock , steering , disc and chain lock. That would make me feel safer !
If I park at my home , I still use the three locks and close garage door sometime I would park my friend car in front of my bike then close the garage door , ULTRA SAFE  :o
So guys in a world when the HUMAN RIGHTS of scumbags thugs are more important than law abiding fellows , how do you defend your
bike again theft?

 ;D Good day boys and girls

It is GT here to start another argument thread ! HEE HEE
After riding for one and half year on scooter and one month on bike
I have pick up some disgusting pattern on the road, after I start riding I notice some kind of car / car driver on the road that
will raise my alterness.
Usually it is the old crappy looking V8 or V6 cars , when they drive behind me they will sort of try to push you off the road by closing up to your back so close that I feel it is danger I would pull over and give them the way.

Most drivers who do this kind thing is usually male [not surprising] and they all try to look tough too  ::)

I always follow speed limit , if it is a 50 km/hr road I will do 50 km/hr no more or less , but this kind of car/driver will do 65km/hr on a 50 km/hr road.

Sometime I just hope this kinda of people would hit a big wall or a big tree and learn some lesson to SLOW DOWN

I wish to point out that these are my personal account and if you happen to own the type of car mention please dont take it offensively !

General Discussion / RE sad story on my Quannon
« on: November 30, 2010, 11:12:17 AM »
ok as you guyz know my brand new quannon failed to work on the seconday
the dealer has taken it back for repair
it has been a week (I said to them they can have two weeks to fix it just have to be 100% sure it is working when I got it back)

the dealer e mail me they change a jet in the carb but problem remains so a kymco representative arrived and they decided to
swap the CDI and they re testing it daily hot and cold.

One thing that really frustrated me is if the bike fails to work and I wanna an exchange but the dealer is very firm
to not to exchange but repair under warranties. I am thinking if I got it back and still not working if I filed a complaint to Fair trading
who is suppose to look after consumer , are they any good?
Because I dont really want to wait for two month reply and all that beaurecrat carp ...
has anyone ever done that before ???

General Discussion / [what do you prefer]what brand is your ride?
« on: November 29, 2010, 10:33:52 AM »
 ;Dhey guys me again !

what is your preferred brand?
from chinese brand like LIFAN / DAELIM
        taiwanese brand   SYM/ KYMCO
        Japanaese brand YAMAHA KAWASAKI  HONDA etc
Going Euro ? Peugeot ? Aprilia ? MOTOV
        American ?  I dont know any american brand that makes small bike like scooters...

What is your preference, for me  SYM is my preferred , my first kymco quannon break down on seconday , dealer took it back already one week firstly they suspect the main jet now the CDI....
really breaks my trust for KYMCO  ..... 

General Discussion / [what do you prefer] small motor bike or big bike
« on: November 28, 2010, 12:59:44 PM »
so what is your preference on this one?

small bike like a cbr 150 nsr 150 or big bike like Suzuki TL1000

I never own a big bike before but I think small bike are cool and easy to keep as well as maintain

what is your preference ? ;D

General Discussion / [what do you prefer]car vs two wheels
« on: November 28, 2010, 12:57:42 PM »
so what do you prefer scooter , bike or cars ?

When I used to own a 2.0 toyota and a 50cc scooter

I used scooter as main daily transport , easy to park and free to park just hide in corner

very easy on gas, I used the car as secondary if I need to go motorway then I use it.

However my scooter was derestrict and has a 70 cc engine so it keeps up with traffic

so what is your preference ? leave a comment ?

General Discussion / [what do you prefer]scooter vs motorbike
« on: November 28, 2010, 12:55:09 PM »
OK alot of us probably have some thoughts about this topic

I have owned a 50 cc SYM before now I have quannon

I have not own quannon for long so my experience are scooter orientated

I think scooter especially the 50 cc two stroke are excellent in city environment

alot of up and go and no fuss

what is your preference and opinions ?

General Discussion / [what do you prefer]two stroke vs four stroke
« on: November 28, 2010, 12:52:37 PM »
Hey guys
just a thread what you guys or girls prefer over engine type

I personally prefer Two stroke due to the beautiful engine noise
but too bad they re being phased out and no company seem to be willing
developing the super cool direct injection two stroke

leave your comment and personal preference !

General Discussion / Brand new kymco quannon doesnt work ? help me please!
« on: November 19, 2010, 02:18:55 PM »

I have just got my new kymco quannon yesterday
after dealer drop it off it work fine
but today i ride to work engine fails to start
dealer send a mechanic over and check it
after a few attempt it started and he say engine is too cold and i need give more attempt to start it

at 11 pm i finish work same drama again it does not start at all!!

i have to push it to some where safe  to park it , i was worried about bike stolen but now I worry the bike play up more

god i feel like i am the biggest dumb ass in australia to spend 4000 dollars on a pile of junk

Is it possible to ask kymco to deliver a new replacement ????

General Discussion / crazy engine kit (Yamaha)
« on: August 14, 2010, 06:33:26 AM »
this has nothing to do with Kymco, but still quiet interesting to have a look
if you are into scooties you probably know there is the Japanese Yamaha Cygnus
the cygnus is equipped with conventional SOHC air cooled engine
this cygnus is popular in taiwan , local tuner often drop in big bore kit , the draw back
is air cooling is not cool enough engine seize is a big worry.
Local after market part provider KOSO  came up with a solution.
DOHC water cooling engine kit , claiming that the kit will provide 20 HP at the wheel

greeting guys  ;D got a silly question

i am planning to go for a motorbike apprenticeship, but lacking hands on experience

so where should i start with to make my self a more potential apprentice an employer would consider taking me in

any advice is deeply appreciated

 ;D ;D ;D

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