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Topics - klaviator

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General Discussion / Chasing the sun between storms.
« on: March 27, 2021, 07:29:23 PM »
Thursday was a nasty day weather-wise here in Alabama.  Rain, thunder, lightining, tornadoes....

I was lucky as there were no tornadoes around me.  Saturday was also forecast to have more nasty weather.  In between was Friday, a beautiful Spring day with plenty of sun and a high of around 75 degrees.  Of course I got out on my scooter to run some errands around town.  There were plenty of signs of spring with things blooming everywhere.  I didn't get any pics but here's a couple from a few days earlier.


Friday evening as the sun was getting low I decided to go out again on my mighty steed and chase the sun.

I was a man on a mission.  I had 13 horsepower on tap and wasn't afraid to use it as I raced the setting sun!  I have my wingman backing me up.

I was preparing to fire a sidewinder at this slow moving vehicle blocking my way but it turned off.

Gotta catch that sun!

General Discussion / Searching for Bucksnort
« on: March 11, 2021, 02:40:23 PM »
Last Saturday I went for a ride with some friends.  We rode around some back roads in Northern Alabama in an area I wasn't that familiar with.  During the ride someone mentioned a place named "Bucksnort Alabama".


With a name like that I figured I would have to go find this place and take some pics.  So a couple of days later I headed out by myself to find this place.  I Googled it and found the location. 

I headed out.  I rode down the road Bucksnort was on but before I knew it I was in the next town?

I missed it!  So I turned around and headed back.  I still didn't find it but turned down a road I wanted to explore.

I took some pics.




General Discussion / The forum still isn't working right for me.
« on: March 05, 2021, 01:02:48 AM »
Every thread I look at ends with an error message.  The only way to reply is to quote a previous post.

If you would like to get together with a bunch of other scooter riders and ride some of the best roads in the country then this is something you would enjoy.  This will be the third year for this event.  The dates are August 8-13. 

The first year we had 10 people attend, last year we had 30.  I wouldn't be surprised to get 50 this year. 

Details on this event are at this link:

General Discussion / 11K on my Like150i today
« on: February 11, 2021, 04:00:40 AM »
It got up to 75 degrees today so I got out on a couple of short rides on my Like today.  The first was to the grocery store.  The second was for fun.





General Discussion / Like 150i vs TNT135
« on: November 10, 2020, 10:52:37 PM »
Head to head:

General Discussion / Gained 7 MPH on my Like150i
« on: November 06, 2020, 11:58:36 AM »
At 10,007 miles the belt broke on my like 150i.  I ordered a new belt, rollers and sliding block from the Kymco Dealer.  Kymco had no belts in stock in the USA.  I found a new belt at Scooter Dynasty in California.  I got it in but scratched up the flat faces on the Variator pulley so I ordered new ones.  Luckily these were in stock.

So I replaced much of the variator and the belt.  This variator does not have any sliding blocks.  The old rollers had really bad flat spots on them.

Before the belt change my top speed was down to 58-59 MPH on the speedo which only reads 1-2 MPH high.  After the change I could get 65-66 MPH.

I think I'll change this belt and rollers around 9K.  The manual calls for belt replacement at 12K. 

Eye Candy | Videos and Pics / Last evening in Alabama
« on: November 06, 2020, 10:48:32 AM »
I took a short ride on my Like last evening.

Snow in Alabama?

I was hoping for a colorful sunset.

A little more dirt road and I came to the spot where I would park and see what the sunset would be like.

I was there for a while. I took a bunch of pics from different angles.

I even changed the position of my scooter.

Eye Candy | Videos and Pics / Fall colors in Tennessee
« on: October 30, 2020, 01:14:01 AM »
last week I spent 5 days riding in the Tennessee mountains.  I wasn't on my scooter but I thought I'd share some of the colors I saw.

All of these pictures were taken within 20 miles of Tellico Plains TN.





General Discussion / Taking pics while riding.
« on: September 03, 2020, 12:53:10 AM »
When I'm out riding I normally have a camera hanging from a strap around my neck.  That way I can grab it with my left hand and take a pic when I see something interesting.  I don't have to stop, take off my gloves, dig my phone out of my pocket and then take a pic. 

I was out riding today and snapped this pic while riding.  Never would have got it with a phone.

General Discussion / Maggie Valley "Beat the Heat" scooter ride.
« on: August 11, 2020, 09:54:05 PM »
Despite the Pandemic we had our Scooter get together and ride last week in Maggie Valley.  We ended up with 30 people showing up from many different states.  Best as I can recall we had people from Texas, Alabama, Tennessee, Michigan, Ohio, North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. 

Despite some rainy weather we had some great rides.  Here's some pics:



Eye Candy | Videos and Pics / LIKEing the clouds at sunset
« on: July 28, 2020, 01:11:28 PM »
Heading out to catch the sunset, looks promising.

I pull over at the edge of my Subdivision.

Then race to my next spot.

The trees block the sunset here so off I go to a better spot. I'm not sure I'll make it in time. I shoot some pics on the go.

I missed the actual sunset....but I'm not too disappointed.

There was a small plane flying around. I'll bet that pilot got quite a view.

Eye Candy | Videos and Pics / Scooters in the NC Mountains.
« on: July 19, 2020, 10:22:49 PM »
I recently rode to Maggie Valley, NC for a couple of days of riding on the mountains with some friends.  It was a scouting pre-ride for the big scooter get together in August.  I was on my Majesty as was one other riders.  some of the riders where on motorcycles.

Here are some of the pics fro the ride.




This topic came up in another thread so I'm asking.  How many of you ride both motorcycles and scooters?  I often jump off a motorcycle and then on to a scooter or vice versa.

Here's my collection:

When the corona virus broke out and shut down the country, and much of the world, I did what most people did and mostly stayed home.  I did get out and ride some but just short local rides.  As time when by it became obvious that most of the country was not experiencing the massive pandemic the news media claimed would happen.  I happen to live in a medium size city where the infection rate has been very low. 

The Next state to the east is Georgia.  They where one of the first states to really open back up although like Alabama, they never shut down as much as many states did.  One of the things they opened back up was dining in at restaurants.  My riding buddy lives in the N. GA Mtns.  He needed to change the belt on his new to him Vespa so I decided to head over and help him change it.  While I was at it I might as well do some riding!

So on Wednesday I loaded my Like into my truck and headed over.  That evening we went out and actually ate in a restaurant.  What a concept!  I know I was risking my life but it was a small place and we were the only customers aside from some people picking up take out orders.

Thursday had some beeeuutiful weather and we took advantage of it. First I got a hold of a guy on the Maxiscoots forum and we arranged to meet in the town of Blue Ridge. Why Blue Ridge? Well first it's the nearest town and second there is a motorcycle dealer there with a bike I wanted to check out. Since one of the bikes I am considering buying is a KLX250 I rode there on Steve's older KLX250. It's not fuel injected like the newer ones but is otherwise pretty much identical.

And Steve was on his new Vespa.

We rode into Blue Ridge and checked out this bike at the Yamaha dealer.

It's an 18 WR250 with less than 300 miles on it. They let me ride it around the parking lot but not on a real test ride. No doubt it's a more capable bike than either the KLX250 or 230 and they had a good price on it but I'm still leaning towards a KLX.

Steve (not another Steve ;D) showed up on an unusual contraption and we rode to get some lunch.

What is it?

A Yamaha Waverunner with wheels ;)

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