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Topics - streido

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Agility 50 / Do i need a bigger main jet?
« on: March 24, 2012, 06:25:49 PM »
Fitted a open cone filter today

Also upped my jet from 82 to 88. Started it up on the stand and revved it, it died down on revs when i tried to WOT and started kind of pulsing up and down the revs when i tried to hold it on throttle open.

Took some tape and sealed up about half the filter and tried agaim on the stand. It was better but didnt feel quite right. Went for a quick ride and it felt a bit lumpy or boggy when i opened up the throttle past half way. Stopped halfway and took a little tape off to let more air in, that made it worse. Got home and this time i taped up about 2/3 - 3/4 of the open filter and tried it on the stand, that felt pretty good so i went for a ride again. This time it was a lot better and almost felt as good as before i started messing with the stock filter.

So my question is do i just need to go even bigger on the jet? If im on a 88 now and only using 1/4-1/3 of the air filter how large do i need to go do you think so i can ride without tape on the cone? Im thinking at least 100 jet or 110-120 even? Does this sound about right?

Dont want to wreck my engine running lean so any help or advice would be good? I know Wordslinger usually ran 101 or 110 i think on his open filter so im guessing thats my problem, am i just using too small a jet? Checked my plug after my last run again and it looked ok, light tan,on the boggy runs before it was very light tan almost going white.

Agility 50 / Newer A50 cdi's ARE still restricted say Kymco UK?
« on: March 23, 2012, 10:30:55 AM »
No one seems certain about the a50 cdi's on the newer scoots and whether they are restricted or not. I took it they were not restricted on 2012 models onward at least, poss some 2011 models too. Just emailed Kymco UK and got an answer from them so here's what i wrote them,

"I have a 2010 Agility 50cc which is now derestricted with a smooth boss and 82 jet but i am unsure if the cdi still has the rev limiter in the 2010 models? I know my 07 plate a50 had a restricted cdi which i was able to cut the wire on at the bottom edge but people say newer a50's have unrestricted cdi's already? Could you please confirm if the new a50's do indeed have unrestricted cdi's and tell me when this change came about? Is my 2010 a50 cdi restricted or not? I believe the restriction was removed by Kymco from either 2010 or 2011 or 2012 models onwards?

Thanks for any help/advice offered."

This is their answer,

" Dear Stephen The situation with the Agility 50 cdi has not changed since their introduction, the cdi has a rev limiter fitted on all models leaving the assembly plant. Regards".

Now if thats true, as i would expect it prob is since its direct from Kymco Tech dept, then the new cdi's are still rev limited. Someone with a newer model may need to butcher a cdi to see whats inside? Im just glad i own a 2008 model and could cut mine, i 100% knkw my cdi is not restricted now, seems theres been some confusion with the newer cdi's, hope this helps some people out.

Agility 50 / variator issue.
« on: March 21, 2012, 07:46:27 PM »
Ok. I was getting good top speed, best of about 48mph on the speedo downhill, then it dropped off a bit gradually over a few weeks till i struggled to get to 45mph, usually got about 43-44. I checked my belt which was the stock original and it looked a bit worn after 13,000km so i reppaced it with another Nakura belt the stock size and i got my topend back again. All was fine for a month or so then it dropped off again. I checked the new belt and it was fast becoming toast, the top surface at edges had come off on a couple of areas, so i stuck my old worn belt back in till i got a new one ordered.

New belt is a Malossi kevlar, 736-17.5-30, longer than stock which i wanted to try out. Took it out and i got it off the gauge downhill so i was well chuffed, 52mph showing on the speedo, 1st time i had ever got it off the gauge, i was over the moon. Been running good for 2-3months now but again i noticed i had gradually lost too end till today i went on my test route where i hit 52 and i only reached 45-47? So i had def lost about 5mph. Stripped down the variator and belt and all looked ok. Only thing i noticed was the boss and variator mayne felt a little "sticky" and not as free moving as i would hope. Cleaned it all up and put a very small amount of lubricant on the inside of the boss where it goes round the crank. Went out and my top end was 49- 50 again, a good 4-5mph up on earlier.

This leads me to believe either my boss needs replaced or i need a new variator, anyone agree or disagree?

Since all i did was clean up my old variator and boss and that restored most of my top end i guess the surface of the boss is maybe worn and not as smooth as it should be? or the hole in the variator is worn and unsmooth? I think if i could get some lubricant in there that would stay there and not spin out over my cvt it would be fine but what can i use that will last and not burn off or spray out? As far as i onow you dont usually ever grease the variator or boss so maybe i just need a nice shiney new one?

Just to say also, when i lost top end it would get to 43-44mph then it felt like it was being held back or starved of fuel or air a little, after i lubricated it this went away and my topend returned. Same thing when i replaced my belt, but i wouldve cleaned it all up then too so i think the belt was not the issue, it was the variator or boss or both. I figure the variator is moving in on the boss as i get faster until it gets to 80-90% then its sticking on the boss and not sliding all the way in as it should. Obviously when i clean it up and lubricate it then it helps the variator slide again on the boss and its going all the way over at top speed, so the problem must be with the sliding motion of the variator, right?

Agility 50 / Do you ride backrest up or down?
« on: February 11, 2012, 01:00:23 AM »
Just wondered how many ride using the a50 pillion seat as a backrest?

I cant do it, i end up with a backache after 20mins of riding so need to stop and fold it down. Maybe it just my prefered riding position that doesnt fit or im just too tall at 6'2" but i cant get comfy with it as a backrest. I also dont like the fuel cap etc showing as i ride, they should have made a cover for that so its still unseen if the backrest is up.

Just be interested if anyone does use it or not?

Agility 50 / Kymco agility 125 wheelie
« on: January 31, 2012, 09:44:25 PM »
 :D Kymco agility 125 wheelie full stock - :D

LMAO, mental. Wish my 50 would do this  :)

Agility 50 / Anybody else noticed they use more fuel in winter?
« on: January 31, 2012, 09:31:23 PM »
Just wonder if any year long riders noticed if they tend to use more fuel in the winter months or not?

I used to get to work and back for almost a full week on 1 tank, lately i feel im using more than i did in the summer and need to refil earlier.

Wondering if maybe i just have a small leak on one of my fuel pipes and im losing petrol somewhere? Or maybe the cold weather affects it meaning it does use slightly more? Either that or i just ride faster to get out the cold and burn more  ;D

Agility 50 / How good is your back brake?
« on: November 08, 2011, 03:46:44 PM »
How good is your back brake? I am asking as i noticed last week that mine is pretty poor really. I know its a drum so wont be as good as the front disc but i is really pretty rubbish when used alone.

I checked my pads/shoes and they are fine, checked the adjustment and its set correct, i have very little play on the lever but still it seems to take an age to stop if i use just the rear and leave the front alone.

I wont not use the front brake normally but by chance i somehow i noticed last week just how poor the rear was so wondered if it was normal?

How is everyone elses rear brake? If i get to 20-30mph and try stop using only the rear it takes a long time, well over dounle the distance of my front brake i reckon. I maybe just never noticed it before as i use both brakes normally so it was maybe always like this?

Technical | How To / Belt size chart
« on: October 04, 2011, 11:03:58 PM »
I just posted this in the Agility 50 section but thought i'd repost here since it should cover most Kymco models.

Ive been looking for a slightly longer than stock belt formy Agility 50 but had bother finding info and specs of different belts. I could'nt  find the exact size i was looking for, then today i found this Malossi belt chart.  

It gives a list of all Malossi belts with all dimensions and part numbers. I now found a belt i want and have the correct part number to order it online, and i can be sure it is exactly the size i wanted

If anyone want it heres a download link i put up on a free hosting site, its worth a look.There was a bit of chat rcently regarding belt sizes so hopefully this helps out some folk.

Agility 50 / Download links for manuals for Agility 50 etc.
« on: October 04, 2011, 10:55:48 PM »
Was uploading some stuff and thought i may as well put these manuals up in case anyone new needs them. You can download them all for free if you do need or want them on this file host site i used.
Hope someone finds them useful.  :)

Kymco Agility 50 manual,

Kymco Agility 50 Parts List,

Haynes - The Scooter Book,

4 stroke 50cc Service Manual,

Dont know how long they stay up but if a link is broken just let me know and i will put it back up again.

Agility 50 / belt size chart
« on: October 04, 2011, 10:38:10 PM »
Ive been looking for a slightly longer than stock belt but had bother finding info and specs of different belts. I could not find the exact size i was looking for,then today i found this Malossi belt chart.  ;D

It gives a list of all Malossi belts with all dimensions and part numbers. I now found a belt i want and have the correct part number to order it online, and i can be sure it is exactly the size i wanted :)

If anyone want it heres a download link i put up on a free hosting site, its worth a look.There was a bit of chat rcently regarding belt sizes so hopefully this helps out some folk.

Agility 50 / My new visor and mirrors.
« on: September 28, 2011, 10:37:16 PM »
Finally got round to uploading some pics of my new mirrors and visor that i fitted a few weeks ago. The mirrors were less than £10 off ebay from china and are pretty good quality. The difference is amazing, i can actually see behind me now without twisting my body out the way 1st  ;D

The visor was from a bike breakers yard and was £7.50. Think it was originally off a Peugeot scooter but after a bit of cutting and filing i fits my Agility almost like it was meant for it. Im happy with how it looks now, what do you all think? Does it look ok? Its not really to deflect wind, its more just for cosmetics.If it cuts the wind a little all the better, i wont complain. Still got to repaint over the fixings black again cos the silver is showing thro a little after one coat.

Agility 50 / Whats you average top speed on your de-restricted A50?
« on: September 11, 2011, 12:59:45 AM »
Whats you average top speed on your de-restricted A50?

Trying to find what the average speed everyone gets is. Im not talking about your best ever speed down the steepest hill you could find, just your average top speed that you achieve on most days, under normal conditions. Seems some folk cannot get over 42mph while some get 45+ mph all day long, be interesting to see what the poll shows up.

Only 50cc please, no big bore kits.

 PLEASE BE 100% HONEST, this is important. If you lie it will just f**k up the result and we wont know anything except that  we are all a bunch of lying bast*rds, and im talking about the speed shown on your A50's speedo gauge, not gps speed.

If you want to add what set up you run then do that to after you vote in the reply bit.


Agility 50 / rear-ended by a car today
« on: August 30, 2011, 03:55:25 PM »
Riding to work this morning i stopped at a junction. The car behind stopped too then decided to just pull onto he road without waiting for me to get out the way. I have no idea what the woman was thinking, she def wasnt looking ahead anyway. I was stationary, she ran into me at a slow speed but pushed the scoot away from me and it fell over.

Im fine, didnt even fall over. Scooter had bust number plate, clip where the rear mudguard clips onto the exhaust has broken, one rear indicator got bust, and a mirror came loose. I cant see any obvious damage anywhere else but wondered if it may have damaged any engine mounts or anyhing else? Is there anything else i should check?

If she wants to pay me cash for repairs i will accept that just to get it fixed quickly but if she starts messing about i will be putting in an insurance claim to her and claiming for whiplash too since i was rear ended.

I need to phone her tonite to find out what she proposes. Just want to make sure i check everything out i need to so i can get a price for parts before tonight.


As the title says, I wonder what improvements will will open air filter and #88 main jet give me?

I currently get 45-48mph showing on the speedo on most days, been up to 50-52mph on a good day down a good hill. Full derestrict, 5.5g rollers (for now), 1000rpm torque, 1500rpm fly's, race variator, #82 jet, stock exhaust and stock air filter at present.

Been thinking of going to an open air filter and #88 main jet for a while but is I worth it? Will I get much improvement in power or speed? If I will see a difference, how much?

My scoots running great again now, after some setbacks with dodgy belts messing up my tuning, so I dont want to start messing around with it just to find all I gained was to make it louder.

Any ideas if I will get any more top end? Better uphill? Better acceleration? Better anything? Bear in mind I still have a stock exhaust and no bigger carb, kit or head on it.

Agility 50 / idle is weird.. goes up when I sit on scooter???
« on: August 14, 2011, 02:13:53 PM »
Anyone have any idea why my idle speed would be fine, 2000rpm, when on the centre stand, when I put it down off the stand its still fine, then when I sit on the seat it goes up to 3200rpm?

I dont weigh that much, 160lbs  ;D

Dont see any touching of the bottom of the seat compartment and the carb or anything obvious really so ideas welcome.

Going to go have another look now in case I missed something  :'(

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