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Topics - AaronPDX

Pages: 1 [2]
Grandvista 250 / 250 won't hold a charge, with new battery!
« on: July 15, 2015, 12:25:06 AM »
Used 2008 GV 250, such a pretty white bike but problems from the get-go with holding charge. At first I assumed it was the battery. The previous owner came out and replaced it with a new one. Nice! But problems persist. It seems to need a trickle charge weekly, which seems nutty. I'm riding it daily and expect much better from Kymco (never had this problem with my late People 150!).

Has anyone experienced this? Do I have a lemon with a bad charging system? Any info on this would be appreciated! (Had to have it jumpstarted today to get home, and blew a fuse (and maybe worse) on the attached trickle charger pigtail cable in the process --I had jumpers connected to the pigtail cable, and then chained those jumpers to car jumper cables. Did not work! Only successfully jumpstarted it after unscrewing and exposing the battery and directly connecting the car jumper cables, without chaining. It's now back on the trickle charger, but how long before it leaves me stranded again?)

Grandvista 250 / UBS (United Braking System) and high speed?
« on: July 06, 2015, 08:05:58 PM »
Hi all. My first post here, as a new Grand Vista 250 (2008) owner. Formerly had a People 150.

First off, great forum; thanks!

Does anyone have advice on how to use the brakes? The manual says "apply right lever will cause the scooter to slip during riding at high speed." Does that mean I should only use the left lever at high speeds, since it apparently "will actuate UBS that brake both front and rear wheel" ?

And I assume 'high speeds' means anything over 45 mph?

Thanks in advance...

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