Scooters - 50cc => Super 9 => Topic started by: Nahtella on May 25, 2018, 11:33:41 AM

Title: Help?? Installing Arreche 19mm- 2005 Kymco Super 9 LC
Post by: Nahtella on May 25, 2018, 11:33:41 AM
Hey guys,
First time posting for me, however, I've learned SO much from you guys just reading other topics in this forum. So, I just want to say thanks before I get into my issue.
I've installed an Arreche 19mm carb in my 2005 Kymco Super 9 LC, but im kinda stuck. The stock carb has a port for the coolant to go in and then circle back out,,, but, on the Arreche, no matter how I set them up, the coolant just leaks out... I've watched many many videos, but they NEVER show what each port on the Arreche is for... I've seen one video where he just loops the coolant hoses back in on one another, but never shows where to reconnect them.
I know this question sounds so ridiculous,,,, this is the first LC bike I've worked on since starting my 50cc repair hobby a couple years ago.
Thanks again for all the time and effort you all put In to educate rookies like me!.  Nick
Title: Re: Help?? Installing Arreche 19mm- 2005 Kymco Super 9 LC
Post by: captronfish on October 03, 2018, 02:50:48 AM
they both loop back to top of head on brass nipples