Scooters - 125 to 300 > Grandvista 250

What years are the shocks compatible with the 2009 GV250 ANYONE PLEASE HELP


Thank you in advance


--- Quote from: Crazykev on October 08, 2023, 10:35:12 PM ---Thank you in advance

--- End quote ---
No answer usually means nobody knows.

Bolt size and stroke are primary dimensions, overall diameter next. You may want to consider aftermarket adjustable....

Thank you that's what I was thinking About no answer and shocks.


--- Quote from: CROSSBOLT on October 09, 2023, 04:13:50 AM ---No answer usually means nobody knows.

Bolt size and stroke are primary dimensions, overall diameter next. You may want to consider aftermarket adjustable....

--- End quote ---

YSS are good and have a wide selection to choose from.  They didn't list my X-Town but supplied off the dimensions from the OEM ones.

Late to party, but...
As Neil suggests. Take measures from eyelet to bolt, chose any you like and can afford. I took YSS for my GRAND DINK 150  and am happy with. Two up and single ride. Price with €84,- / pair reasonable.


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