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Topics - Stig / Major Tom

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 273
General Discussion / Good to see a healthy farm!
« on: Today at 04:38:32 PM »

while these folks need a little help with their curb-appeal.....


Lock your keys in the top case or under the seat!

I leave the keys in the Liberty's top case. The seat is never fully closed - so that's no worry.....but that top case! You don't need the key to lock it!

The LIKE's top case requires the key to close~! I'm safe there. I'm rarely messing under the seat - but it would snap closed on my keys if I wasn't careful.
 I do have a seat/ignition key hidden on the LIKE after I scared myself one winter's day, miles form home!


Eye Candy | Videos and Pics / going thru town....5:43AM
« on: Today at 02:56:36 PM »


Roadcraft / I'm so easily thrilled~!
« on: Today at 12:48:53 PM »
Riding home today on my 155cc moped I was passed twice by manly looking guys, on big motorcycles, and by dang they both gave me the two finger down greeting!
I giggled like a little girl in my helmet, both times~!

...I'm pitiful.....

not Stig

Technical | How To / Mirrors & mods to my LIKE
« on: May 19, 2024, 05:33:39 PM »
I found the mirror stems on my stock LIKE200i to be far too short.
I could see nothing of value in them!

1st order of business was to source some long-stem mirrors from an Italian on ebay.
Finding adapters was a bit of a puzzle....

Nothing for it - they are goofy looking!

But, man do they work - giving me a great look behind!

FYI - stock Vespa/Piaggio mirror and the shorter LIKE mirror.

Next up on the LIKE - if I ever wanted to ride beyond 20 mins - was rebuilding that stock seat!
Pretty enough....but with a horrible ridge in the center of the seat-pan. (under the gloves)

The 3-day rebuild.....from a distance , not too bad.
But comfy as heck!
I added inches of correct density seating foam (internet) and re-covered it all with SailRite 4-way stretch vinyl
I now sit directly over that rige.....and cannot feel it. A lot of trial sitting to get this.
(Bestem 929 case added for its active LEDs - my every ride starts in the dark!)

Were you required to modify anything on your Kymco - for comfort or safety?


Eye Candy | Videos and Pics / NSR: Chipmunk
« on: May 19, 2024, 02:03:37 AM »

For years I've caught only briefe and distant glimpses of these rascals in the back yard.
Daughter put some raw peanuts on the patio table today and this guy repeatedly returned to fill his cheeks with them. "Good luck!" storing them where the 5 squirrels we have living back there won't steal them. 3 black, one with a white tipped tail, and 2 grey's. Couple rabbits, and an opossum visits at night.

General Discussion / Honda PCX 0n Lombard St - ever been there!?
« on: May 16, 2024, 06:24:10 PM »
Screen-shot from instagram of a white Honda PCX descending the famous Lombard street in San Francisco.

A crazy street in 'Frisco. Super steep - posted @ 5MPH, One-way only - down. It is said that on some days this street will see over 15,000 cars traversing it. (tourists)
I walked up it once in 1967. (just once - bucket list) And braked down it in my '71 Beetle once in 1973.

Some of the residents actually have parking spaces and a garage or two.


* at the very bottom of the street, in the 1st photo, is a 1970's VW Bus. I suspect that there are tour companies which feature a guided ride in a Hippie bus through the sites in the city.

I was correct....

Eye Candy | Videos and Pics / 56°F is an awkward temp at sunrise
« on: May 13, 2024, 06:59:16 PM »
Need the scarf - need the gloves but not turned on, mesh is too airy.
(but it's not 24°F - so should stop whining)


Eye Candy | Videos and Pics / License plate ;-)
« on: May 13, 2024, 12:54:28 AM »

Saw this in Yellow Springs yesterday.

LIKE 200i / A nice morning ride for coffee
« on: May 12, 2024, 08:24:48 PM »


General Discussion / To be in a big city with a scoot & a camera!
« on: May 09, 2024, 08:27:32 PM »
I envy the guys who have such subject matter to photo!
Man - imagine dawn street lighting...I'd be out there before daybreak with the street cleaners and trash guys going nuts with a camera!

NYC,,, Brooklyn, lower east side, and financial districts...

Looking at the right side of this pic - it has to be San Fransisco!

Couple of nice Hondas in different settings.


I ever hit the lottery I'm going to Paris with a scooter and a camera!

(photos courtesy of advrider)

General Discussion / May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness month
« on: May 07, 2024, 04:15:58 PM »
"The National Safety Council instituted Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month in May.
As the riding season kicks off during summer, it’s crucial to remind everyone on the road to take extra care and respect each other.
Motorcyclists face higher risks due to factors like lack of seat belts, airbags, and the open nature of motorcycles.
Other drivers must also be cautious and aware of motorcyclists to prevent accidents.
Motorcycles account for only 3% of registered vehicles in the U.S., yet they make up 14% of fatal crashes each year."

Always wear a helmet and protective gear.
Be visible by using headlights, reflective clothing, and proper lane positioning.
Avoid riding in blind spots of other vehicles.
Follow traffic rules and ride defensively.

Other Drivers:
Be aware of motorcyclists on the road.
Give motorcycles enough space and respect their right of way.
Check mirrors and blind spots before changing lanes.
Avoid distractions while driving.

You guys know all this, so nothing new here.....except for me to add, please do not skip wearing the proper gear. Sometimes it's hot, often it is a chore to get into it, nevertheless!

And remember - way too many bike crashes are of the single vehicle nature. "He simply left the road ...."

Ride safe.

Eye Candy | Videos and Pics / favorite kind of sky for riding
« on: May 06, 2024, 04:44:41 PM »
No shadows hiding deer, no sun glare for me or drivers and - my hi viz gear fairly shouts as I go down the street!


General Discussion / Finding Kymco parts and part numbers - UPDATED
« on: May 03, 2024, 07:32:11 PM »

General Discussion / "Show us your scooter...."
« on: May 02, 2024, 11:24:48 AM »

My post on a Vespa forum last year.
Not even a smile


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