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Messages - piotrwielki84

Pages: [1]
Agility 50 / Re: my Agility gets extreme hot on the CVT
« on: August 22, 2017, 11:24:54 AM »
I dont Know THE temperature but is so hot after 300m that only few seconds get burned THE fingers. THE fan is melted to Pieces and scattered around inside THE cvt but THE best,clutch and variator is Still nice condition luckly since they all brandnew. But does carburator fuel delivery have antal connection its get so hot? Readt somewhere IF it get tio less fuel i might overhead THE engine bur i dont Know IF tjata THE case.

Agility 50 / Re: my Agility gets extreme hot on the CVT
« on: August 22, 2017, 07:37:00 AM »
put the same belt the original was. are there other issues that might cause to make it hot?.

Agility 50 / my Agility gets extreme hot on the CVT
« on: August 20, 2017, 03:47:36 PM »
i have a problem with my Agility 50cc 4t. the cvt or variatorshield or whatever it's name is get really hot after couple miles driving so i easly get burned while touching it the fan got melted til small black pieces. tried to change the gear oil and the main oil but it didnt change a bit still got hot. how do i do to get rid of this issue have changed the clutch, drive belt and variator with 5grams weights and plain pulleycollar. while im driving it give a slightly a metallic sound like its some small metall rassling inside the variator but sometimes disappear while driving but its botherings me still. so if anyone would tell me what to do i would really appricate that.

kindly regards Piotr

p,s sorry if my english is poor or misspelled.

Agility 50 / Re: Common issues
« on: May 06, 2017, 12:29:28 AM »
no i drive fron Ängelholm which is northwest Skåne/scania in southern sweden to Ystad in southest part of Sweden and take boat to Swinoujscie me and my pal going to my hometown Miedzyzdroje which is 10km east from Swinoujscie. most i asked was what common issues which this model is just recently changed variator,drivebelt and clutch so it should go much better now. from where i live to the harbour is aroun 130km and the rest of the trip goes by boat.
just want some advice about basic tools i need to bring and spare parts if neccisary at least i can fix on the road til i find a workshop who can fix it proper.

Agility 50 / Common issues
« on: May 05, 2017, 04:21:48 PM »
Hello my name is Piotr from Sweden. tend to drive my bike from where i live to Poland this september and i like to know from all Agility 50 4t owners for experiances about common issues i should think about on the road. like what shoudl i least pack in the bike if something happens on a road.
any tip is valueable so i can prepare for my journey like fuses,oil,tyrerepairkit and drivebelts.
and also what most common issues accure on gility 50 4t i should take extra look on before trips.

thanks in advance

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