General > Roadcraft

after (wet) ride routine


Stig / Major Tom:
Scoot gets a wash and a dry after all wet rides or rides over salt residue (skip the wash if dry roads)
Then top up fuel from my gas can, check the oil*, connect battery tender, place gloves on the recharger, clean helmet, wash/dry thermal coffee mug and toss it and the tire repair kit in the next scooter to be ridden.

I used to double up or triple old coffee cups - but the thermal mug does a much better job keeping coffee hot on a 25 degree bench! (Xmas gift from my son!)

All systems go for the next ride.....


*many check their oil before a ride. I'd rather not fool with it when geared up for the cold at 5:15 I check it after every ride.


--- Quote from: Stig / Major Tom on December 28, 2023, 04:56:44 PM ---*many check their oil before a ride. I'd rather not fool with it when geared up for the cold at 5:15 I check it after every ride.

--- End quote ---

well, technically it is still a pre ride oil level check...just 24 or more hours in advance of your next ride!


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