General > Roadcraft

stopped in a late animal ~ not good!


Stig / Major Tom:
Riding  this morning I had a new experience....
I was focused on Left turning cars in the rain and dark.
I braked gradually (thankfully!) to the stop bar in my lane as the light turned red.
I put my foot down and almost dropped my scooter when my foot shot forward in something very slippery.
I looked down to see that I was directly over a "late" something, furry and very much mashed. There were no bits sticking up that I might have spotted. It was all soup and a little furry bookmarker smeared forward - across the broad, painted, stop bar.
I re-positioned my boot and thought - "you better feather the throttle when pulling out of this stuff!"

I did - and still felt the rear slipping about in spite of my caution....and we're only talking about 11 hp!
When I arrived home I washed the scooter and my boot!

as Roseanne Roseannadanna used to say, "it's always something!"


now that is a first for me...I've never had that experience or ever heard anyone else doing that! There are lots of dead animals on the road, it seems, and if it was dark and rainy I can see the challenge in seeing them. Glad you escaped relatively unscathed.

Yeuch! Not a nice experience.  As Hawk said, glad it didn’t catch you out. I’ll stick with my wet leaves 🍁 🍂 problem thank you!


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