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Super 8 / In need of some assistance for my Super 8 50cc 2 stroke
« on: November 19, 2017, 12:30:08 PM »
Hi all,

First time posting on here but why not have a crack at it. So first of all I have a 2 stroke Super 8 50cc all stock. I also live in Queensland, Australia just for reference. I basically am wondering if anybody is able to help give me some information on how to increase my top end speed or overall performance. I noticed that my scooter is also CDI restricted as i am only able to do 55km/h until my scooter basically just stops accelerating any higher. its an 8 pin cdi however only 6 wires are connected to the actual box. What are some easy ways i could help increase my top end speed?

Is there a compatable unrestricted CDI i can purchase here in australia or if anyone has any parts that will work.

Any help would be appreciated :)

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