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Messages - Maybelline2

Pages: [1]
People 150 / Changing Front Brake on Kymco 150
« on: July 04, 2017, 04:38:14 PM »
Awaiting a repair manual for the Kymco 150, however my partner decided to attempt to change front brake pads, as it seemed like a straight forward job. The brakes went on well and seemed a good fit. He did not bleed the brake fluid first. The brake lever was extremely hard afterward, so we attempted bleeding the line to see if that released pressure, since the pads were thicker now.
This only made things worse--the brake lever is now unmovable. We are considering putting the old pads back on, but before we assume the pads are the problem, I am hoping for an opinion on what we may have done wrong in the process. I realize that scooters are different than cars, but it should have been a pretty easy repair. Could it be a failed caliper? Thanks!     

General Discussion / Re: Brake light mystery SOLVED!
« on: June 12, 2017, 04:56:17 PM »
Thanks, and sorry I didn't do standard reply for the post, just wanted to update it to show it was solved. That's how I's the teacher in me! :)

General Discussion / Re: Brake light mystery continues...
« on: June 08, 2017, 08:05:00 PM »
In reply about the actual issue:

When the bike is running which filaments are lit up?  BOTH

And when pulling the brake lever which filaments are lit up? BOTH

Even though a 1157 type bulb has staggered pins so it only goes in one way I have seen where it was forced in wrong bending the socket out and jumpering both contacts causing problems.

Yes, we were pretty careful to align them. The problem existed even before we replaced the bulb. Thought the bulb was problem, originally. We will check this area again.

Thanks for link and suggestions!

General Discussion / Re: Brake light mystery continues...
« on: June 08, 2017, 08:00:25 PM »
Thanks, I hadn't pulled the pigtail assembly out yet. I really hope this does the trick! Will get back to you.

General Discussion / Brake light mystery SOLVED!
« on: June 08, 2017, 03:50:11 PM »
Hi all,

I reference to issue below, finally figured out the problem: We went back to the bulb. The original bulb was burnt out, so we took it to an automotive supply, and they simply gave us the same one. It seemed to fit, and lit up, however both filaments remained on. We took it out, cleaned it and put it back in. When that didn't work, we went through the other checks just to rule out anything else. It wasn't a complete waste of time, because now my partner and I both know the brake system and wiring better than before! Finally, we got the VOM and checked the posts on the pigtail assembly, and determined all was normal the bulb must therefore be the culprit! I purchased a new, slightly more expensive bulb directly from the local scooter dealer. Voila, it worked! Thanks for all your advice and suggestions. We may have went the long way round, but it was a valuable learning experience!
I started a new post for this issue, since this may be ongoing. Hopefully not for too long. So, I bought a used a 2006 Kymco 150 over a week ago. Runs great, little wear and tear. But I discovered that the brake light stays steadily lit when the bike is running (no "blinking" when either or both brakes are depressed). I presented this on the forum when I first introduced myself, and followed the suggestions from posters to change the bulb, check the gap on the brake lines, and have removed the front steering cover and trouble-shot both connectors/switches for the brakes, front and rear. Did not find anything upon testing those connections. Cleaned them up with electronic spray, just in case. No change. The light remains lit, both filaments glowing steadily when applying the brakes. So I essentially have no brake light. I am going to locate the correct downloadable manual, as there is little online info on the problem. I did query the local scooter repairman, who confirmed that the problem was likely a wiring issue. If this is a wiring issue, I'm pretty much done. Any other ideas before I am forced to bite the bullet and pay for service (as it is electrical and $75 an hour labor, I am probably gonna take a major hit)? Thanks.

General Discussion / Re: do you really check tire pressures??
« on: June 08, 2017, 03:31:42 PM »
Ha, I had this very same experience. I ran out and purchased a tire pressure gauge with a clock-face meter attachment that shows psi and metric pressures. The first time I put it on, I had to do it 3 times, which pretty much flattened the tire. After I figured it out (depress the pressure release valve on gauge before removing from the tire), I pumped the tire back up as hard as possible, then checked again. It was at almost 30 psi (25 is recommended), so I let a bit out, and it was pretty much right on.
Lesson I learned: 1. Know the gauge mechanics; 2. Do it quick! And no way would I do it before every ride. I will likely check for damage, embedded stuff, etc. But I feel your pain.

Eye Candy | Videos and Pics / Re: New rider, 2006 People 150
« on: June 04, 2017, 04:30:52 AM »
Yeah, bulb was first thing I checked. Pulled it out and replaced it. The light still burns steadily, with no flashing when either brake is depressed. So next step is to check the connection...will try the cleaner method Stig suggested. That doesn't work, then I guess it's a trip to the local scooter shop! Hope I can solve it on my own. Thanks for the advice!

Eye Candy | Videos and Pics / New rider, 2006 People 150
« on: June 03, 2017, 09:59:14 PM »
Hi All,

I am a new owner of a meticulously kept but used People 150. I have ridden scooters before, but a long time ago, and not for very long, as I did not own one. It is in pretty good shape, but just found that the brake light is malfunctioning (the light just burns steady); seems as though the light should blink when the brakes are applied. Rookie mistake-- I checked most everything, thought I had checked that. Anyway, going through it all now before licensing it. This is Maybelline 2!

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